With over 4.5 million users world wide, QuickBooks is the leading software choice for small businesses. QuickBooks is popular in large part due to how easy the program is to learn. You do not need to have an accounting degree, or for that matter really understand all accounting concepts to use the program. For this same reason, QuickBooks can allow for some very interesting things to occur.
BHT&D Certified Public Accountants Blog
How Do I Close An Accounting Period In QuickBooks?
Tags: Small Business Accounting, QuickBooks Tips, QuickBooks, Small Business
What Can I Do While My Accountant Has My QuickBooks Accountant’s Copy?
One benefit of using QuickBooks to manage your company records, is the Accountant's Copy tool.
You can continue to work in your QuickBooks file while your accountant is working with the Accountant’s Copy.
Tags: Financial Statement, Small Business Accounting, QuickBooks Tips
QuickBooks - Do I Really Have To Upgrade Every Year?
Every year about this time, Intuit releases its annual upgrade of QuickBooks and starts notifying everyone that they need to upgrade to the new version.
How Should Loans And Loan Payments Be Recorded In QuickBooks?
A common mistake I see users of QuickBooks make is how debt or loans are recorded in QuickBooks and how payments are made to that debt. This article will assist QuickBooks users in correctly recording both the original transaction that generated the loan and new asset, as well as recording the loan payments subsequent to the purchase date.
Tags: Asset, Small Business Accounting, QuickBooks Tips, QuickBooks, Loan, Debt, Liability
Can QuickBooks Track Which Areas of My Business are the Most Profitable?
Many of today's businesses involve activities in multiple areas. In a retail environment, this might involve food sales versus non-food sales.
Tags: Small Business Accounting, QuickBooks Tips, QuickBooks
QuickBooks Tips: How to Save Your CPA's Time & Your Money at Year-End
QuickBooks is the accounting software that many of our small business clients use. While QuickBooks is a really good accounting software program, many small businesses could be benefiting from it at a higher level than they currently are. As is true with any software, QuickBooks will only benefit you and your business at the level to which you use it.